Distribution Center Careers | Ross Stores (2024)

Distribution Center Careers | Ross Stores (1)

Our new distribution center needs you!

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Our new distribution center needs you!

Ross is excited to open its seventh U.S. distribution center near Katy in Brookshire, TX.

This 200-acre campus will have the latest technology and house over two million, climate-controlled square feet of space, primarily processing home goods and shoes for Ross stores throughout the country.

We are looking to hire over 2,000 Associates at this location and would love for you to join us. These roles are all direct hire and benefits eligible. To express your interest please fill out the form on this page and a recruiter will be in touch with you soon!

Distribution Center roles include:

  • Warehouse
  • Training
  • Loss Prevention
  • Maintenance
  • Inventory Control/Quality Assurance
  • MHE Drivers
  • Area Supervisors

Distribution Center Careers | Ross Stores (2)

Distribution Center Careers | Ross Stores (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6406

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.