Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (2024)

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Clan || She/her || 24 || Anon List || My Masterlists || Welcome to my blog, lovelies! I'm a reader-insert writer and digital artist! Hope you enjoy my stuff!

Anonymous asked:

How about a monster tom x reader where tom dreamt about him accidentally killing reader and when he sees reader they straight up tackle them to the ground and keeps saying I'm sorry over and over until reader bushes them and they talk it out and hug and watch a movie.

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (2)

“What the hell, [y/n]?!! You ruined Susan!!!”

“She only has a scratch. Relax.” You rolled your eyes as Tom scowled at you from across the room, holding his bass guitar. “Edd has destroyed her on purpose before, but you’re mad at me for scratching her by accident?”

Usually he wouldn’t get this upset, but all day long he seemed annoyed by everything. And apparently this was the cherry on top.

“Because unlike that idiot, I thought YOU would know better than to touch my sh*t!! God, you’re just as dumb as–!!” All of the sudden, he let out a grunt of pain, dropping the guitar and clutching his head. His eyes whitened with stress. “J-Just get out…”

“Tom?” Now you were less irritated and more concerned, seeing his skin turn a light shade of lavender.

Never before have you seen him freak out this much to the point of transforming. It was starting to scare you.

“Hey c'mon, stay with me.” You attempted to reach out to him. “It’s okay, we’ll take her to a repair shop and I’ll pay for-”

“DON’T TOUCH ME!!!” His voice deepened as he slapped your hand away, though he heard a wince and saw that you were bleeding, before he noticed that his claws already manifested.

That only made him angrier. “See?!! YOU NEVER LISTEN!! YOU’VE NEVER LISTENED TO ME OR CARED ABOUT ME!! You think I’m a goddamn freak, don’t you?!!”

‘What the hell am I saying?!! I-I don’t mean any of that…!!’ Internally, Tom was panicking, confused as to why his mouth was blurting out these untrue things.

All of this over an instrument he can fix?

What was happening to him?

“N-No, Tom..I…I-I-” You were frozen on the spot, unable to defend yourself as he fully transformed, horns scraping the ceiling.

“Admit it..YOU HATE ME!!!”

'Don’t listen to me, [y/n]! Please run!! FOR THE LOVE OF MACARONI JUST RUN!!!!’ But despite his pleas, you had no chance to run away as the monster roared and tackled you to the ground.

No matter how much you begged him to stop, he could only sink his claws and teeth into your flesh. Pure rage and hunger fueled his instinct to kill, without realizing who he was killing to begin with.

Though when your screams were silenced forever, Tom blinked and got ahold of himself. He looked down at you, jaw dropping as he saw your mangled corpse.

', no, no!!!’

With a whimper, he tried shaking you, but you remained limp on the carpet floor.

This time he was the one screaming, covered in your blood.

















“And this is Ringo’s feeding schedule,” Edd smiled as he handed you a list. “I made it literally this morning so uhh..yeah just follow that if you can, please.”

“Thanks. I promise she won’t starve.” You chuckled, waving goodbye to him and his friends as they went out for the day. Tord bumped into you, reminding you to not let the “Jehovah’s witness” sleep in, but you pushed him out the door before slamming it shut.

With a sigh, you turned around and glanced at the list, making your way into the living room space. For once you and Tom had the house to yourselves, so now you just had to wake him up so you’d feel less lonely.

“Does Edd know he can just buy an automatic pet feeder-?”

You jumped as you heard a loud scream, looking up in bewilderment. 'That sounded like-’

Moments later you saw Tom race out into the room, his eyes white as a ghost. But the moment he saw you, he yelled your name and tackled you to the floor.

“Ouch!! What the hell?!” You snapped, trying to sit up as you felt yourself being crushed by his arms. “Are you trying to kill me-?!!”

“I-I didn’t mean it, I’m so sorry!!”

“..huh?” It was then you realized he was crying, face buried into your hoodie as he violently trembled. “Tommy?” You hugged him back, letting him cling to you. That only seemed to amplify his sobs.

“A-All those horrible things I weren’t me! I couldn’t control myself!! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!”

For a moment you wondered what he might’ve recently said to hurt you, but you couldn’t remember. You two never argued over anything serious. He had more fights with Tord than you.

Then you realized…

“Oh, Tom…you were just dreaming.” You hushed, rubbing his back. “That’s all it was. Just a dream.”

“I-It felt so real, though. There was so much blood..y-your blood, and you weren’t moving and I-I thought..I-”

“You didn’t kill me. I’m right here, and I’m not hurt..physically or emotionally.”

You could feel his fingers dig into your hoodie more. “Y-You’re okay?”

“Yes. I’m okay.”

That reassurance calmed him down, as he pulled away slightly to look at you, eyes going back to normal. You smiled and cupped his cheek, brushing away the tears. “Must’ve been a hell of a nightmare, huh?”

Tom just nodded, still sniffling on occasion. “Yeah..I just..had to make sure it didn’t actually happen. Head gets a little fuzzy when I’m in that other form, y'know?”

“Don’t worry, you didn’t transform. Otherwise this whole place would’ve been trashed again.” You chuckled.

“I’d rather have this place gone than ever hurt you.”

“Awh, that’s the most romantic thing you’ve said to me so far.”

Now that you were both feeling better, you shared a kiss on the lips before embracing once more. “Good morning, by the way.” You spoke after a few seconds of silence.

“Yeah..morning. So everyone else is out, huh?”

“For a few hours. Edd just gave me a schedule to feed Ringo. Maybe we could stream that new zombie robot movie you wouldn’t shut up about?”

Tom looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes. “You mean Killer Zombie-Robots from Outer Space: The Prequel????”

“Uh…yeah. That one.”

After you both got up, you went to the couch and turned the TV on, comfortably plopping down. Ringo joined you as well as she curled up in your lap.

As you looked for the movie, Tom cuddled up to you, head resting on your shoulder as he tried forgetting about that dream.

He was just glad nobody else was home right now.

clanask anonymous eddsworld x reader ew tom x reader monster tom x reader angst hurt/comfort tw blood tw death

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Anonymous asked:

Hi there!

If you still take stardew valley requests please write hurt/comfort with Shane and (gn) reader about Shane getting progressively more worried about the farmer each time they go mining because of all the injuries they get there to the point where one day he snaps and breaks down in front of the farmer. It would be nice if you could show shane slowly loosing his mind each day but that would probably make the fic longer so no pressure. just pls make sure theres comfort after the hurt, bad endings make me sad :(

Thank you in advance, and even if you choose not to write this i hope you still have a lovely day.

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (3)

I’m always down for Shane angst <3

In my main file I fear he’s like this bc I’m constantly coming back from the dangerous mines/skull caverns on like 1 hp at 1:50 am


(Spring, Year 1)

“Hi, Shane!”

“God, what do you want now?”

“Nothing. I’m off to the mines.” You grinned at the rugged man in front of you, holding up your pickaxe. “I’m shooting for level 120 this time, and hopefully I can pick up more gems along the way.”

Shane raised a brow. “…and I care because?”

“You don’t have to. Just thought I’d let you know.”

‘What? Like you think I’ll go looking for you if you pass out? Forget it. Whatever happens is your own damn fault.“

"I know the risks, but thank you.” You politely answered, ignoring his blunt rudeness before checking the monster slayer guide. “The Adventurer’s Guild wants me to slay a ton of bats…only 200 more to go.”

“"Adventurer’s Guild?” Sounds stupid and childish.“ He grumbled, taking a swig of joja cola in his grasp. He was already running late to work, and he didn’t want to get yelled at by Morris.

And he certainly didn’t want you, the new farmer who made it their mission to annoy the sh*t out of him everyday, being the reason.

"Well it’s neither of those things. It’s actually thrilling.” You chuckled, before digging an emerald out of your pocket. “I meant to sell this yesterday, but you can have it.”

“…the hell? What am I supposed to do with this?” His brows furrowed at the green mineral you shoved into his hand.

“Keep it..for good luck, I guess?” You shrugged. “You can put it in your pocket and forget about it if you want. I just wanted to give you something nice. Plus, not to be weird, but…it kinda reminded me of your eye color.”

Normally, any other villager would’ve been thrilled that you wanted to befriend them with gifts that reminded you of them…..

Yet Shane just stared at you as though you’ve confessed to stalking him.

“If you wanna give me something that’s actually "nice”, buy me a beer at the saloon next time.“ He sneered, brushing past you and continuing towards JojaMart, while you headed north of town, already knowing what you’re gonna do tonight.

When you looked over your shoulder, you could see him pocket the emerald rather than throw it away despite him passing by several trash cans.

And you smiled.







(Present Day)

"Awh, you still held onto that emerald even after all this time?”

“Yeah, so what? It was the first gift anyone’s really given me..” Shane confessed, heat rising to his cheeks as he held the mineral between his fingers. “I never believed in all that crap about crystals and "energy” that Emily talks about. But..I just like keeping this one around. It’s like…erm…“

"A testament to the start of our friendship and eventual marriage?” You cheekily grinned as you polished your weapon, before looking to your husband.

He nodded. “Exactly what I was gonna say.”

“I know you so well.” Chuckling, you walked over to kiss him on the cheek. “I’m gonna head to the mines, okay? Welwick says the spirits will shower everyone in good luck. I wanna see if the fabled prismatic shards really do exist.”

Almost immediately, Shane froze..and he found himself wanting to desperately say “no” and convince you to stay on the farmhouse.

But he didn’t know why.

Keep reading

clanask anonymous sdv x reader stardew valley x reader sdv shane sdv shane x reader stardew shane x reader angst hurt/comfort

Masterlist: Eddsworld x Reader

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (4)


  • HCs: Edd x Musician!S/O
  • HCs: Edd x Cosplayer!S/O
  • Future!Edd cuddling fluff
  • WTFuture


  • Love confession fluff
  • Shopping together
  • Vampire!Matt x Knight!Reader
  • HCs: Matt x Tailor!S/O
  • “If your name is Junior” Vine jokefic


  • “I brought blankets, takeout, and your favorite movie” prompt
  • Nightmare hurt/comfort
  • Monster!Tom x Reader
  • Monster!Tom x Scientist!Reader
  • Future!Tom x Cyborg!Reader angst


  • Future!Tord x Future!Reader Angst
  • The End angst (Tord + Sibling Reader)
  • Dread Potion


  • Post-Beaster Bunny hurt/comfort (Eduardo)
  • First kiss (Eduardo)
  • Dread Potion (Eduardo)
  • Eduardo x Witch!Reader
  • HCs: Neighbors with a Punk!Fem!S/O

Paul & Patryk

  • Patryk stealing S/O’s makeup

Other Characters

  • Monster!Tamara x Reader
  • Reject Clones caring for kittens


  • Male Cast’s reactions to Rancher!S/O(Slime Rancher crossover)
  • Edd, Matt, Tom, and Jon getting the “shovel talk” from S/O’s brother
  • HCs: Main 4 with a Blind!Sassy!S/O
  • HCs: Main 4 reacting to their crush housing the Rejects (Spares)
  • HCs: Cuddling w/ the Main 4
  • HCs: Main 4 meeting S/O’s dad (Tankman)
  • HCs: Main 4 + Animator!Reader
  • HCs: Main 4 reacting to Tomatoredd’s crush on Reader
  • Main 4 reacting to Mute!S/O speaking for the first time
  • Male Cast’s S/O owning a bakery
eddsworld x reader ew x reader x reader masterlist

Anonymous asked:

For the word thing I have INFECT. What if, in a alternate timeline, both Heiet!Mark and the reader get bitten, and when safe the reader in tears confesses, Heist would confess too, hesitantly, and the two promise to live out their last hours together in each others arms, basically saying that they will die together. Maybe they confess feelings too??

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (5)

“They bit you, too?”

“Yeah, and it’s pretty bad–wait..” You looked up at Mark, eyes growing wide.“What do you mean,“you too”?”

With a nervous gulp, he rolled up his pant leg, showing you the bite wound on his ankle. The teeth marks were fairly deep, and the skin around them was already becoming darker, black veins slowly surfacing.

You sighed shakily and sat against the wall, rubbing your eyes to suppress the tears that wanted to escape. Mark joined your side, frowning in sadness.“So..I guess that’s it, huh?”

“Y-Yeah..I think so. It’ll probably be a few hours before we turn.’s nothing we can do..”

“This is all my fault..” His voice cracked slightly, his eyes watering up as well.“I’m sorry..I-I should’ve..never dragged you into this stupid-”

“No. We couldn’t have predicted any of this.” You put an arm around him reassuringly.“ doesn’t matter anymore. It’s the end for us, though…who knows? Maybe being a zombie won’t be so bad.”

“I hope not.” Mark wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as the sounds of gunfire and faint zombie growls continued outside.“My only regret is…n-not taking you out on a date.”

You looked at him, a bit flustered.“You..really wanted to ask me out?”

“I-If we weren’t about to die in the middle of a spontaneous zombie apocalypse…w-would you accept?”

“…yeah.” A small smile graced your lips.“I’m sure it would’ve been fun–” A harsh cough cut off your words, drops of blood coming out and staining your sleeve. But as you looked at your arm, you could see the infection already taking over it entirely.

“ w-we can’t fight it anymore..” You quietly rasped.“So..let’s just sit in silence, alright?”

Mark could only nod, tears streaming down his face as he closed his eyes and hugged you tight. And you did the same, hoping and praying that these last few hours of your lives will go by quick.

clanask anonymous ahwm x reader heist mark x reader angst hurt/comfort tw death tw blood

Anonymous asked:

49 for senpai? (y/n trying to calm senpai down over something, you can decide)

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (6)

49) “Please..just breathe.”


“Why…WHY DO I KEEP LOSING TO THAT TWAT?!!” Senpai screamed out loud as he threw both his microphone and his bag to the floor. He collapsed to his knees, clutching his head and messing up his once previously perfect hair.

“Even in this realm I-I…I still lose…it’s not fair!!I’M SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST!!! He-He’s….oh god it hurts…”

Bringing both hands to his face, he could feel a warm liquid coating his fingers. It was unmistakably crimson red as the pressure and pain around his eyes increased, causing him to groan in agony.

A simple singing competition shouldn’t have pushed him into having a meltdown like this. But the humiliation, his loss of pride…it was too much for him to bear. He thought things would be different in the real world.

He was gravely mistaken.

“Sen? What’s all the screaming–holy sh*t.”

Sensing a presence, Senpai saw you kneeling down in front of him. But now he was panicking even more. “S-Stay back..please..” He sobbed, eyes flashing red as more blood mixed with tears streaked down his cheeks. “Don’t l-look at me!! I-I can’t…ghh..!”

Trying to stay calm, you hastily took out a cloth and cupped his cheek.“Please..just breathe. I’m not scared, and I’m not leaving you, okay?”

He focused his gaze on you, his heavy breaths gradually becoming shallow the longer he focused on your words. Even as the blood stopped dripping down his face, all he could feel was shame and fear that you saw him in this state.

Yet at the same time…he was relieved you were here to calm him down.

This wouldn’t be the first time his demonic form tried to tear his body apart…and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. But fortunately, your presence managed to stop him from going over the edge, though he was still shaking.

You breathed a small sigh of relief as you cleaned the red smears that trailed his cheeks until they were all gone. “There. Much better.”

In exhaustion, Senpai leaned his head on your shoulder. “Th-Thank you..” He whimpered, clinging to you like a scared child.

“Of course.” Holding him close, you just rubbed his back comfortingly. “… you wanna talk about what happened?”

“…I-I lost again..”

You frowned slightly. His response was no surprise, considering how much pride he took in singing. But it was taking a toll on him..mentally and physically.

“Sen..maybe it’s time to put down the mic for a while.”


“You’re being way too harsh on yourself..and it’s taking a physical toll on you. You can’t pretend that it’s not. I just..don’t want you to be in that much pain.”

He knew you were right.

Why hadn’t he listened to you?

Why did he even bother to re-challenge Keith when he knew he’d fail anyway?

Tearing up, he snuggled his face into crook of your neck. “I know it breaks your heart to see me this way, I’m sorry…I’ll take a break if it makes you happy.”

“That would make me happy.” You smiled and hugged him tighter as you ran a hand through his hair.

You were just glad you could help him before things got any worse.

clanask anonymous fnf x reader friday night funkin x reader fnf senpai x reader senpai x reader angst/horror prompt hurt/comfort tw blood tw bloody eyes

Anonymous asked:

How about 70 with Illinois? He had a bad dream abt reader getting killed like his other colleagues and reader comforts him? Love your writing btw!

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (7)

70)“Bad dream?”


“Okay, remember how I said some traps always miss if you just walk through‘em calmly? Well…you definitely gotta run through these ones! C’mon!”

Illinois ran through the cavern, pulling you along as you both narrowly dodged the many spikes, axes, flames, and blades that came swinging and flying at you. He yelped as he ducked his head, a spike tearing right through his hat and making it fall off.

But he didn’t care for that right now. Keeping you and himself alive was priority over any dumb hat.

At some point, though, you reached a section of the cave that split off into three separate ways: a left, a middle, and a right path.“Damn it..this’ll be tough. But I’m used to these kinds of….”

However, as the explorer turned to face you, his eyes widened in horror as he saw how mangled your body was: countless spikes penetrated your skin, and half of your face was scorched and bloody.

“Oh god..[y/n]?!” Illinois held you upright as you started wobbling a little.“Wh-What happened?! You sounded fine! I didn’t hear a scream or….why aren’t you saying anything?”

You simply looked at him, before shoving the bloodstained artifact into his hands and promptly collapsing to the ground.

“No, no, no! You’re not dying here! Not like all the others!” He fell to his knees and tried to get the spikes out of your body, but the light already left your eyes.

You were gone.

“G-Goddamnit..” He choked out a sob, covering his mouth, although he stopped as he heard the sounds of rumbling.

And when he looked..there were three boulders rolling out of the different pathways. He could only scream as they merged into one, before he threw himself over your body to protect you as the now giant boulder rammed-


With a scream, Illinois sat up in his sleeping bag, already in a cold sweat. He exhaled shakily and realized he was in his own tent, illuminated by a dim lantern.

“Illinois? You alright?”

He looked and saw you pull back the entrance, before you crawled inside to check up on him.“What happened? Bad dream?”

“..I..” His shaky hand felt around for his hat, which he put on as he sniffled and lowered his head.“I need to take a little..walk-”

“No, stay here. It’s not dawn yet.” You sat beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder.“You wanna talk about it?”

He shook his head as he rubbed his eyes.“N-No..’cause…i-it’s just like all my other dreams of my former colleagues. was you instead.”

“…oh.” Your heart sunk. Now you understood why he tried to distance himself from people all the time–vivid and violent nightmares of their deaths.

“I was always afraid of…g-gettin’ too close to people. But I didn’t wanna keep doing that after you came along.” Then Illinois looked at you with teary eyes.“You mind stayin’ here for a little while?”

“Of course not.” You moved closer to him, putting an arm around his shoulders.“We can talk about something else.”

clanask anonymous ahwm x reader ahwm illinois illinois x reader angst/horror prompt hurt/comfort tw blood tw death

Anonymous asked:

I saw the Taka sprite edit and the au idea a little back on your blog and I was wondering if you could do a quick scenario where the reader finds him when the trial ends?

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (8)

Oop I crave any scenario where Taka lives bc HE DESERVED TO-


After the last trial ended, everyone went their separate ways, exhausted but determined to see what other areas of the school became unlocked.

It was difficult to forget what happened…considering that not just two, but three people were gone in a single day: Celestia, Hifumi, and Taka.

You would never understand why the hall monitor would fall for a trap like that, even if he was “Kiyondo” and lost some of his rational thinking. Wasn’t it obvious from Sayaka’s and Leon’s situation that notes exchanged in secret couldn’t be trusted?

If only you knew why…

But as you returned to the dormitory floor, you noticed a trail of pink splatters going around the corner.

And when you followed them…you came upon a shocking sight:


He was alive, but dazed. Blood still stained the side of his head from where the mallet struck him, though he seemed less concerned about that and more worried about getting into his room.


Looking over to you, his eyes widened.“…[y/n]..?” He turned to face you, but the sudden and fast motion made him stumble, as he braced his hand against the wall.

“It’s okay. Lemme see the key.” Supporting him, you took his room key and helped him inside.

Once he was on the bed, you sat down and looked at him, relieved and confused. “H-How…did you survive? There were two body discovery announcements.”

“Hm? Is..there a trial? I-If I missed it that means…!” Taka sat up in a slight panic, but winced at the throbbing pain in his skull.

“The trial’s over, you’re okay.” You reassured.“Monokuma must’ve thought you died for real-”

“What an interesting turn of events!! A corpse really did get up and walk away after all!”

‘Speak of the devil’. You both saw Monokuma appear in the room.“Even you didn’t know for sure? I don’t believe that for a minute.”

“I didn’t interfere with anythin’! Pinky swear!” The bear huffed.“I was gonna clean up the scene when I saw Ishimaru get up on his own! A klutz like Yamada probably didn’t know where to strike him where it reeeaaally hurt. But..I didn’t expect him to survive that at all. So I had to count him as a body just in case! I wasn’t kiddin’ around when I made that rule, ya know.”

“…what..rule?” The moral compass mumbled.

“A rule that the Blackened can only kill up to two people,” you explained to Taka, before glancing back at Monokuma with a scowl.“Well, since this is your little oversight..shouldn’t you make up for it somehow?”

My oversight?”

“…do you really want an injured student taking part in class trials?”

“Ahhh when you put it that way, that’s a no-no!” He exclaimed.“I want all my students to be in their best shape. So imma take a quick trip to the nurse’s office~!”

And with that, he finally scurried out of the room, leaving you two alone.

You looked back at Taka, sighing.“I’ll let everyone else know later. This time, I’m not letting you out of my sights, okay? I’m..happy you’re still here with us.”

He wordlessly nodded, laying back down on the bed as his eyes stung with tears.

‘Sorry, bro..I guess you’ll have to wait a little bit longer..’

clanask anonymous danganronpa x reader thh kiyotaka ishimaru kiyotaka ishimaru x reader tw blood tw death angst hurt/comfort

Anonymous asked:

"You clearly weren't expecting me," but with sort of a twist. Sayaka writes the note for Leon, only to be greeted by the reader.

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (9)

Oop–this got long but hhhh I really like writing scenarios where Sayaka lives ;w;


Hearing a knock on the door, Sayaka sprung up, hiding the knife behind her back as she went to answer it.

Her heart was racing, palms sweating as she readied herself to commit to her murder plot. A part of her believed she’d regret this, but…she couldn’t back down now.

After seeing that video..after seeing her group potentially dead or in danger..she needed to know for sure if they were safe. They were the only people she had left in this world.

She had to get out of here. And if all she had to do was kill a classmate and get away with it, so be it.

However, as she opened the door with a forced, innocent smile–it instantly fell when she didn’t see the Ultimate Baseball Star on the other side, but instead…

“You clearly weren’t expecting me.”

“[Y/n]..?! I…um, h-hi!” For a moment she panicked, but kept her cool, gripping the knife tighter. “Do you need something?”

“Yeah. I need to know why you put this under Leon’s door in the middle of the night.”

Sayaka’s smile dropped completely now, her face frozen in shock as you showed her the note she wrote. “But…!! H-How did you know…?!!!”

“It’s a good thing I spotted it before he did…or else everyone would’ve woken up to find him dead tomorrow.” You scowled at her. “That’s what you were planning, right?”

She was sweating now, her eyes tearful as her trembling grew worse. “I-I’m sorry…”

You sighed. “I..wanna go home just as badly…we all do. But..this isn’t the way, Sayaka. This is what Monokuma wants. Don’t listen to him..please.”

When you turned to leave though, you let out a pained yelp as you felt sharp metal slash your side, feeling a burning sensation. With wide eyes you looked down to see a rip in your shirt, blood seeping from the wound, before you stared back at the singer in horror. “..S-Sayaka?!!”

“I-I can’t let this fail…..I..I need to get out!! I SWEAR I’D GET OUT NO MATTER WHAT!!” She screamed as she lunged at you with a kitchen knife.

But you dodged the attack, spotting an ornamental gold sword display on the shelf. You ran for that and grabbed it, turning back around just as Sayaka attacked you once more, blocking the blade with the sheath.

Never in your life did you ever want to hurt her, but…this was a fight for your life. And you were utterly terrified.

To think it could’ve been Leon in your place..

“Please stop!!” You begged, gazing into her gray eyes and seeing the murderous intent in them. “Th-This isn’t worth it! It’s not worth it!”

“You don’t understand!! My group is worth everything to me!!”

It’s only then you realize who she was talking about: her motive video. ‘Was it her…pop group?’

Gritting your teeth, you pushed her back. And in turn she lashed out at you once more, but moments later–she let out a small scream of pain as you brought the sword down on her wrist, forcing her to drop the knife.

As you paused to catch your breath, you saw Sayaka holding her now bruised and broken wrist, bits of gold dust on it.

“Sayaka..that’s enough.” You tried again. “We can stop this now..we don’t have to speak of this in the morning, okay? We’ll act like it never happened. Just stop…please.”

“…..I-I…I just don’t wanna be all alone again..” Tears streamed down her face freely. “I-If..they’re…then I..”

“You still have us.” You reassured her gently, putting the sword down and kicking the knife away. “We promised we’d get out together, yeah? Those videos could be fake, just to give us an incentive to kill. But we can’t fall for them.”

Finally, you seemed to be getting through to her, as she looked around the room, seeing the destruction you both caused. You noticed her tense as you approached her. “Oh, I’m..really sorry about your wrist.”

“It’s…It’s okay..” She sniffled, giving you a shaky smile. “The water’s shut off at night, so..m-maybe I can just wrap it in something for now.”

“I’ll help you out if you want. It’s the least I can do to make up for it.”

“Th-There’s a um..small trick to this door. C’mon, I’ll show you.” Sayaka led you to the bathroom. “But..d-do you promise not to talk about this to anyone?”

“I won’t, pinky promise.”

She giggled as you both made that promise. Now she fully abandoned her plot altogether.

And thank goodness for that…nobody was dying tonight.

clanask anonymous danganronpa x reader thh sayaka maizono sayaka maizono x reader tw blood tw knife angst hurt/comfort lonely prompt

Anonymous asked:

for the angst prompts ask i sent in (the 133 and/or 150 one) I meant korekiyo if that's ok

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (10)

TW: S//cide Mentions and Korekiyo’s trauma

133)“I had a dream where I killed myself.”

“Korekiyo..have you already moved on from me?”

“ dear sister…I-I…I could never-”

“Why the stutter? It’s obvious you’re lying.”


“Why don’t you come join me already? It’s not like your new beloved partner wants you anymore.”

“Y-You…You c-can’t keep doing this to-!”

“Join me, Korekiyo. And you can apologize to me directly..for ignoring me for so so very long. Come on now. Apologize. Apologize..”

“I will NOT!!”

“Apologize, Apologize, Apologize, Apologize, Apologize, Apologize, Apologize Apologize, Apologize, Apologize, Apologize, Apologize..”

“AAAAHH!!” The anthropologist could only wail, tormented by the visions of his sister.

In his panic he drew out a certain relic of his:A gold leaf katana.

But as he went to attack the hallucination…it was suddenly gone. He was all alone in the darkness.“Dear, sister..I-I’ve realized all the wrong you’ve done to me…far too late.” He whispered, tears burning his eyes.“I can’t keep living this way. Y-Your spirit will torment me no more!”

His hands trembled as he brought it towards his stomach. “F-Forgive me, [y/n] but…th-this is the only way…my suffering can end.”

Just as the blade was about to pierce his stomach, he suddenly felt himself being…

Shaken awake?

“Korekiyo? C’mon wake up–oh thank god…you scared me..”

It took Korekiyo a few seconds to register the fact that he was trapped in the darkness anymore, and he didn’t have a katana in his hands–nor did he hear his sister’s haunting voice.

He was with you, in a quiet dark bedroom. The only noises were his heavy breathing through his sleeping mask. But soon, small sniffles were added to that as he curled into your arms, shaking violently as he registered the fact that..

He was alive.

“[Y/n]..I-I’m so sorry…”

“For what?” You asked softly, stroking his hair.“Was it…her?”

“Not only that….I..I had a dream where I killed myself. Just to escape her… guilt in abandoning you..i-it…it was too much, I-I’m sorry..” He squeezed his eyes shut, choking out a sob.

“It’s okay. She has no power over you anymore.” You soothed.“No matter what she tells you in your dreams..none of it’s real, and she’s not gonna hurt you again.”

It was true. In reality hehasn’t heard his sister’s voice in a long time–not since he came to terms with the truly awful things she did to him and learned to let go, realizing all he did..the killings..the travels…were for nothing.

You were there for him every step of the way, and even if she came back to haunt his’ll still be there for him. No matter what.

Eventually, Korekiyo did fall back to sleep, as scared as he initially was to. But you just held him closely throughout the remainder of the night.

clanask anonymous danganronpa x reader drv3 korekiyo shinguji korekiyo shinguji x reader angst hurt/comfort angst/horror prompt tw suicide tw suicide mention tw abuse

Anonymous asked:

can we have reader visitig Yancy boi while he's in prison? maybe some angst with yancy cryig bc he wants to be w/ reader and fluff with them comforting him? im sorry i just love My Boy

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (11)

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (12)

Just gonna combine these prompts!


While there was a lot that Yancy liked about prison…there were times where he’d look outside and wonder if you’ll ever come back to visit him.

Even though the other prisoners were like family to him, he still wished you’d return just to talk to him. Not with a telephone or while sitting on the other side of a glass pane, but face-to-face.

You promised to visit him every third Sunday. On the dot.

But as he paced in his cell and waited for the guard to say he had a visitor..he just couldn’t help but feel anxious. Maybe you forgot, or just took the skeleton key he entrusted you with and booked it, not caring about him anymore.

The longer he thought about it…the more he felt his heart start to ache. His chest tightened and before he knew it, he was biting back tears as he finally sat down on his bed.

He put a fist to his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to calm down, although they just began to sting more and more.

But it wasn’t long before he started to hear his cell being unlocked, and he sniffled, looking away.“Yous best leave me be right now….I-I’m not in the mood..”

“Is that any way to greet an old friend?”

Yancy’s tearful eyes widened as he looked over and saw you standing there by the open cell. With a smile, you closed it as quietly as you could, before showing him the skeleton key.

“I figured I’d make my first use of this extra-special and…” Your smile faltered.“..Yancy? Are you-”

“Y-Yous had me worried sick, y’know?!” He stood up and practically stomped over to you, throwing his arms around you in a tight hug.“I thought you’d…y-you’d never….” Shaky breaths left him, along with a soft sob as you returned the hug.

He did get lots of hugs from his fellow inmates, but…this one felt so much different.

It felt genuine, safe, secure…caring.

“Of course I’d come back,” you reassured him, pulling away to look into his eyes.

Yancy just smiled shakily at you and wiped his face.“Think I’m..a-a big baby now?”

“No. There’s nothing shameful about crying.“ You chuckled, picking up the key you had dropped to the floor. “I promised you every third Sunday, on the dot. But..of course sweet-talking the warden didn’t do sh*t so..I found other ways to get in.”

Then you gazed at his tearstained cheeks for a brief moment, your heart aching.“You really missed me that much, huh?”

“I was worried I wouldn’t see your lovely face a-again. Y-Yous been so kind to me and…” With a loud sniffle, he brought you back into a hug.“Let’s just stay like this for a while, aight?“

You simply nodded and held him close, reassuring him you weren’t going to leave him anytime soon.

The guard was on his lunch break, so you and him had all the time in the world.

clanask anonymous ahwm ahwm spoilers ahwm x reader ahwm yancy yancy yancy x reader angst fluff hurt/comfort

Anonymous asked:

Can you please do Yuri Kagarin with 12 of the Angst/Horror prompts? Take your time!!!

Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (13)

12) “Who hurt you?”


“Yuri?! Oh my god what happened to you?!”

“Huh..? Ah, there’s my beloved!” The spaceman laughed as he laid on the floor of the bell tower.

But you had no idea how he could be laughing considering the predicament he was in–his legs covered in blood, with some kind of metal hook jabbed into one of them, along with an attached rope

“sh*t..h-hang on. Don’t move.” Wasting no time, you rushed over and knelt down, using a pocket knife to cut through the rope. It was very obvious this was a trap someone put him in.“I-I don’t know if the hook’s stabbed into an artery so..I-I’ll just leave it there for now, okay?”

“Wait..this wasn’t your work?”

You glanced at him briefly. “ work? What on earth are you….oh..”

Only then did you remember: during breakfast the other day, he offered to let you kill him if you wanted to escape the island, to which you responded with rather loud and angry outrage at his idea.

You didn’t wanna murder your own boyfriend! That was the most insane thing you’ve heard so far since you got here.

But now that you see what Yuri got himself into…somebody must’ve overheard your argument and took advantage of that, especially since he got drunk at the party last night.

Damn it..if only you could remember who he was with last. Maybe that was a clue?

Regardless, you were furious yet again at his suggestion that you somehow changed your mind and put him in this trap.“For god’s sake Yuri..I said I wouldn’t do anything like this to you!!” You finally cut the rope, before pulling him into your arms, tears in your eyes. “Who did this? Who really did this to you?”

“My memory is…still fuzzy. I’m sorry, baby..” He mumbled sadly, snuggling into your embrace as he winced in pain. “I didn’t mean to cause you all this trouble. But even if this was my last moment alive…at least it would’ve been with you.”

“I’d rather have our last moments be somewhere away from this place, where we can grow old together.” After you calmed down and reassured yourself he was safe, you helped him stand up, letting him lean on you for support.“Wouldn’t that be a much better dream than dying for your loved one?”

“Hmm..that does sound better.” Yuri smiled softly as you both left the tower and headed to the infirmary where you could properly take care of him.“This hook may hurt but..the thought of leaving you here all alone hurts me most..”

“Then do you promise not to throw your life away like that?”

“I promise. Only for you, baby.”

clanask anonymous sdra2 x reader yuri kagarin yuri kagarin x reader angst/horror prompt hurt/comfort
Requests are OPEN 🖤🎃🖤 (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.