What Developer Should You Use with ion Permanent Hair Color? - Heather AnnZ Salon (2025)

If you love experimenting with vivid hair colors, you’ve likely heard of ion permanent hair dye. The ion brand offers a huge range of permanent hair colors in creams and gels, from natural brunettes and blondes to fantasy shades like emerald green and cotton candy pink.

But to get the most out of these permanent ion hair dyes, you need to mix them properly with the right developer. Using the incorrect developer with permanent color can lead to disappointing results.

In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about choosing the right developer for ion permanent creme and gel hair dyes.

How Does Developer Work with Permanent Hair Color?

Developer, also called hydrogen peroxide, acts as an activator for permanent hair color. It opens up the cuticle layer of your hair so the dye molecules can penetrate and deposit color. The stronger the developer, the more it lifts and lightens your natural hair pigment.

Developer comes in different volumes that relate to the percentage of hydrogen peroxide they contain:

  • 10 volume developer contains 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 20 volume developer contains 6% hydrogen peroxide
  • 30 volume developer contains 9% hydrogen peroxide
  • 40 volume developer contains 12% hydrogen peroxide

Higher volume developers will yield more dramatic lightening, while lower volumes deposit color with less lifting. Always choose developer strength based on your specific hair goals.

How to Choose Developer for ion Permanent Hair Color

When working with ion permanent creme or gel hair dyes, follow these tips for selecting the proper developer:

Check the ion Instructions

  • The ion brand recommends specific developer volumes to use with each of their hair colors. Always start by reading the instructions on the color box or tube.

  • ion permanent creme hair dyes are typically mixed 1:1 with 10, 20, or 30 volume ion creme developer.

  • Their vividpermanent gel dyes require 20 or 30 volume ion creme developer at a 1:2 mixing ratio.

  • Higher lifting ion high lift blonde cremes may call for 30 or 40 volume developers.

Consider Your Base Hair Color

  • If you have dark hair and want medium to light results, use 20 or 30 volume developer to sufficiently lift and deposit color.

  • For coloring dark hair a richer shade without major lifting, 10 volume is ideal.

  • To touch up roots or go a bit lighter on light to medium blonde hair, 10 or 20 volume will refresh your color without over-lightening.

Factor in Your Desired Results

  • For the most dramatic lightening of natural hair, use 30 or 40 volume developer. This maximum lifting is great for achieving platinum blonde.

  • If you want to gently enhance your natural color with subtle highlights, a 10 volume developer will add low-key dimension.

  • To safely cover grays with minimal lifting, stick to 10 volume. Higher volumes may over-process gray hair.

Do a Strand Test

  • It’s smart to do a stand test with your desired ion color and developer combo before fully applying to your whole head.

  • This will allow you to assess the lifting and preview the final results on a few small sections of hair. Adjust the developer as needed based on the strand test.

Protect Your Hair Health

  • Always opt for the lowest volume developer that will achieve your color goals. Higher volumes cause more damage to hair over time.

  • Deep condition hair after coloring to return moisture and protein lost during lifting and depositing.

  • Let your hair rest 4-6 weeks between permanent coloring services to maintain integrity.

ion Developer Options

Now that you understand how to determine the ideal developer for your ion hair color, let’s look at some of the best ion developer choices.

ion Sensitive Scalp Crème Developer

  • Specifically designed for use with ion permanent crème hair dyes.

  • Comes in 10, 20, 30, and 40 volume strengths.

  • Enriched with soothing emollients to prevent dryness and irritation on scalp.

  • Provides smooth and even color development.

  • Low odor and non-drip cream formula.

ion Absolute Perfection Booster Step 1

  • Liquid additive that boosts color vibrancy and longevity.

  • Use in conjunction with ion Sensitive Scalp developer.

  • Helps hair better absorb color for maximized results.

  • Contains antioxidants for protection and shine.

  • Ideal for mature and resistant gray hair.

ion Color Brilliance Pure Clear Developer

  • A great alternative clear developer for ion hair dye.

  • Available in 10, 20, 30 and 40 volume strengths.

  • Won’t alter or dilute hair color results.

  • Helps activate and deliver permanent color.

  • Gentle no-drip lotion formula.

Mixing Your Custom ion Color Cocktail

When you’re ready to begin the coloring process, be sure to mix your custom ion hair color formula properly:

  • Wear gloves and pour color and developer into a non-metallic mixing bowl.

  • Use a tint brush to stir together until fully blended with no streaks.

  • Mix permanent creme colors with ion creme developer at a 1:1 ratio.

  • For permanent gel colors, use double the amount of developer to color.

  • If using an additive like ion Absolute Perfection, add it before the developer.

  • Apply immediately once mixed to avoid color oxidation before it hits your hair.

  • Discard any unused portions. Do not save or re-use mixed color.

With the right developer choice and mixing techniques, you’ll achieve stunning results with ion’s extensive range of permanent hair dyes. Visit Heather Annz Salon if you need a professional’s hand selecting your custom ion hair color formula. We’re color experts!

Frequently Asked Questions about Developer Use with ion Hair Dye

Still have questions about choosing developer for your ion hair color? Here are some commonly asked questions:

Does ion hair color come with developer?

No, ion permanent crème and gel hair colors do not come packaged with developer. The developer must be purchased separately based on your specific needs and desired results.

What if I use the wrong developer with ion color?

Using the incorrect developer can lead to issues like patchy coverage, color that washes out quickly, or over-processed hair damage. Always follow ion’s recommendations for best results.

Can I use 30 volume with all ion hair dyes?

While 30 volume developer can be used to mix most ion permanent colors, it isn’t necessarily ideal for every shade or application. Over-lifting with high volumes can damage hair. Read labels carefully.

Should I use 20 or 30 with ion brights hair color?

For vivid ion brights permanent crème hair dyes, the brand recommends using 20 volume ion creme developer to activate and deposit these vivid fantasy colors.

What if I run out of ion Sensitive Scalp developer?

In a pinch, you can substitute any good quality, non-ion clear developer in the needed volume. Just ensure it does not contain any added toners or color altering properties.

Can I reuse leftover ion hair dye?

Never reuse, re-mix, or save any leftover permanent ion hair color. Hair dye begins oxidizing immediately once mixed with developer. Use within 30 minutes.

How often should I re-color with ion permanent dye?

Plan to re-apply ion permanent hair color every 4-6 weeks as your new growth comes in. Gently shampooing helps hair color last longer between applications.

Customize Your Color with ion Permanent Dye

Now that you’re equipped with expert tips on choosing developer for ion hair color, you can confidently experiment with vivid and dimensional shades! The ion brand makes it easy to customize your ideal hue.

Schedule a consultation today at Heather Annz Salon if you need guidance selecting your perfect developer and color combo. Our stylists are happy to recommend formulas that will keep your hair healthy and radiant. Let’s chat hair!

ion Sensitive Scalp 20 Volume Creme Developer can be mixed with any permanent hair color or lightener when the directions call for 20 Volume hydrogen peroxide.

10 Volume is only used to open the cuticle layer so the color molecules deposit in the cortex for long-term results. Use 20 Volume when lifting hair color one or two levels (levels refer to the oxidizing potential).

The rules for developer choice when using regular hair color are as follows: Use 10 Vol developer for level on level hair coloring, toning and tone-down coloring. Use 20 Vol developer for lifting by 1-2 levels, for grey hair coverage and toning. Use a 30 Vol developer for lifting by 2-3 levels.

Developer Choice Going Lighter With Regular Color

Use 20 Vol if you are aiming for a 1-2 level lift. Use 30 Vol is you are aiming for a 2-3 level lift. Use 40 Vol if you are aiming for a 3 level lift and if the hair is particularly difficult to color. Note that the mix should always be respected.

What Developer Should You Use with ion Permanent Hair Color? - Heather AnnZ Salon (2025)
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