The Raritan Reporter from Raritan, Illinois (2024)

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The Raritan Reporteri

Raritan, Illinois

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THE RARITAN REPORTER RARITAN ILLINOIS THURSDAY JANUARY 17 1952 Return ram Calif CLASSIIED ADS The Raritan Reporter Raritan Personals the supper hour and Cann at the St 8 CHANGE ADDRESS Sun Carl Rosen were MATT TULLY was re pastor At Roseville Reverse Charges WEEK ENS SPECIALS You Can Buy BACON Sweet Rasher lb 39c ELECTRIC 25c SAUSAGE Pure Pork lb 2 Lbs 45c OLEO Blue Jean 2 Bottles 33c CATSUP Hollywood 1 Lb 85c HILLS BROS COEE 2 Lbs 79c CHEESE Kingsbury Club SCANLAN GERBERS BABY OOD 1 Lb 27c Plumbing Heating Stronghurst Phone 195 LaHarpe Phone 224 We Give Green Stamps A Checking Account Professional Cards In This Bank THE RED AND WHITE STORE Raritan Phone 55 29 Will Help You Pay bills easily Keep receipts permanently fire Lessen chance of forgetting ex penses tax deductable BANK STRONGHURST Satur in La to the Sun Larry Bennett Monmouth were cafe even busi Mon Vincent Lowber from until Donald Roche and supper guests in home at Roseville Vernoy of Mrs Dale them home mother Emmett Harden went home of Terre Mesecher Duncan followed Henry love and pre those present were Mr and Mrs Eldon Cook and sons Jerry and Billy of Colchester vicinity Mrs Helen Johnson and son Dickie Dick Matt Mrs and were and Mrs Tom their homes Grate of riday even A Barry ficient Unto 10:45 A Sabbath School The Session will meet this Sab bath afternoon Jan 20 at 2:30 at the church A Rededication Service for the church and its new improvements and additions is planned for Wed nesday Jan 30 at 7:45 Al Dr Mrs Cecil Covert went see Icy Road Causes Slight Accident Birthday Dinner or Gary Cook and Mrs riday in the The Official Democratic Newspaper of Henderson County ROZEN HOME DRESSED CHICKENS ISH JUICES AND VEGETABLES Booster Club To Continue Sponsoring Scouting Athletic B' OR SALE Practically new 2 piece living room suite and washing machine Leroy Baker Raritan 17c BEE PER OR SALE Be sure to consult us before you build any new bldg We are glad to talk to you about your new bldg needs no matter what it may be Your neighbors are buying Quonset Bldgs arm bldgs home com mercial industrial etc Any type or kind You are under no ob ligation for free information plans estimates adv etc Be wise write or call today Knox Steel Bldgs Inc Box 926 Tel 1422 4 Office Consumers Elevator Bldg Galesburg (J 1: 17) R'INE WATCH REPAIRING All work guaranteed I to 7 day ser vice All watches timed on our Watchmaster electronically Peters Jewelry Co Monmouth Illinois (A12 tf) Saturday the father John who is spending the win tihe Dunblazier Nursing Mr Covert recently had Entered as second clhss matter October 18 1884 at the post of flee at Raritan Illinois under the Act of Congress March 3 1879 and Mrs Leonard Liver were in Macomb riday Stout of Eureka and Jr of Peoria spent the at their respective oresman Monday to spend Stronghurst (A) The icy con dition of the road the first of last week was responsible for a slight accident at the interaction of Main street and the hard road Mrs Lee Allaman of Biggsville had stopped at the hard road when an icy spot caused her car to slide out into the oncoming traffic Her car and one coming from the south met in collision with but slight damage to either car and no one was injured Charles evening eupper Clarence Aker Sunday January 6 follow mo toi trip to California west primarily to visit with the 'Chas Bell and Paul Bell Editors and Publishers EDNA BARNES SIMONSON Reporter 5 of Gardena and with other relatives afternoon visitors in of Mr and Mrs Ray Russell Lawson near Gary Cook who was 14 years old on Sunday January 13 was complimented at a din iner in the home of ibis parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Cook A ly decorated birthday cake numerous other gifts were sented to the young man Besides Gary and ffiis parents HOYT Office Hours: 2 5 LEYDA BURRUS METZ Monuments Of Character Distributors for Rainbow Granit es and the famous Montello Granite CLARENCE MELLOR Stronghurst Local Representative WANT L0W COST GAINS? The Purina Way is an economical Way! Only 45 lbs Purina Hog Chow and 5 bu corn is needed on the Purina Plan to make 100 lbs pork Get more pork from your market hogs at 5 months The Purina Way ar Grain Co Roseville 17c busi Mo Brown of see Mrs Carol Ann home reddie McCann Seven On Sunday Raritan reddie McCann was seven years old on Sunday Janu ary 13 In celebration of the event his parents Mr and Mrs Tony McCann entertained a few rela tives in their home that evening Cards and visiting entertained the adults while the children played birthday cake was served with other refreshments during the evening Helping the lad celebrate Mrs Agnes Larkin James Bernard Larkin Mr and John Larkin and sone and St Ledger in the borne of Mr and Mrs Brown were Mr and Mrs Tully of Roseville Mr and Eschol Houtchens and Mr Mrs erguson Max Livermore was home Rock Island from Saturday Monday Mr and Mrs rank Waddill accompanied by Mr and Mrs Herbert Abbey and granddaugh ter Beth Abbey drove to Chilli cothe Sunday and spent the day in the Lyman Huggins home While they were there Larry Huggins became very ill and up on the advice of their doctor was taken to the Proctor hospital in Peoria for an Immediate operation for the removal of his appendix Although the appendix was in 'a very bad condition Larry is re cuperating satisfactorily Robert Gearhart made a ness trip to Monmouth on day Mrs Dean Malone who has been working in the local cafe began work at the Iowa Ordnance Plant last Thursday Mrs Hubert Vernoy is assisting the during ing Mr were guests home Mr and Mrs and children of Thursday evening visitors in the home of the brother Hen ry Perry Eschol Houtchens Arthur Cook and Dewey Judd made a business trip to Galesburg riday morn ing Mr and Mrs Charles Harden spent Tuesday in the home of Mrs Lizzie Bricker Mrs Wilna Braun of La Harpe and Mr and Mrs Emmett Milliken were Wednesday dinner guests in the same home Charles Cann took Mrs Rornola Leighty to Macomb one day last week where she was to visit with relatives and friends Mr and Mrs George Lawyer of Crown Point Indiana visited in tlie home of the moth er Mrs Hazel Churchill the first of last week Mr more Their son Janies and Miss Sher rill Gregory came back with them OR SALE ield ence 39 lb 6 11 $130 a rd 32 lb 6 11 $115 a rd 26 lb 6 12 $75 a rd 26 lb 6 11 $95 a rd Barb Wire $825 a roll Steel Post 6 ft: $95 each LINK MOTOR SALES Media Ill (GNR1 17) Livermore Jr for Lbs Angeles will reside with her husband is visitors in the MORE Turn your corn into beef profi tably Use Purina Steer atena with your corn a complete sup plement We can supply your needs armers Grain Co Rose ville 17c WE RECEIVED A SHIPMENT of 2 STALL Economy Hog Houses that you may like armers Grain Co Roseville 17c EED YOUR DOG a favorite ration Purina Dog Chow It sup plies everything your dog needs for growth and maintenance easy to feed and dogs like it! armers Grain Co Roseville 17c BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Stronghurst III Carl Bostrom PastorSaturday Jan 19 1952: 9:00 A Confirmation class meets Sunday Jan 20 1952: 10:00 A Al Sunday School and Bible Classes lYcOO A Al Morning WorshipSermon Subject: as Wed ding Thursday January 24: 7:30 Al Choir Rehearsal Dr Prendergast VETERINARIAN Phone 112 Stronghurst Wednesday Mr and Mrs I Melvin were in West Burlington Thursday Ellen Schreiber is sick and under the care Mr and Mrs Delbert Covert of near Biggsville were dinner guests Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Wayne Covert Mr and Mrs I Melvin were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Macomb ranklin Carl Bray week end homes Mr and to Galesburg Saturday to their daughter Carol who was ill Appliances Here or Cash Or Easy Payments for the weekend in Mr and Mrs A Blandinsville were ing visitors in the home Lloyd Oliver of Rutledge Mo was a weekend visitor in the home of his brother Robert Oli ver Mr and Mrs Gilbert Moburg and sons of Monmouth attended services In the local Reformed' church Sunday morning and spent the remainder of the day in the home of Mrs (parents Mr and Mrs Spencer Corzatt Mrs Helen Johnson and son Dick went to the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Johnson in Kirk wood last Monday Mrs Helen Johnson took Mr Johnson to Mo line Tuesday where they spent the day at the Lutheran hospital in order to be with the daughter Jennie Mrs Eugene lake of Lynn Center wlbo under went major surgery that day Mrs Johnson and son Dick re turned to their home in Raritan Wednesday Mrs James Brokaw and son spent the weekend in' the home of her father near Oquawka Mr and Mrs red Welch came for them riday and brought them back Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Orville Waller were in Macomb on business Mon day Mrs Wayne and child ren and Mrs Wayne Stewart were in Burlington Monday called in the home of their aunt Mrs Susan Simonson of Roseville Sunday afternoon The lady 'who will be 99 years Old eb 27 is quite HL 'suffering from jaundice Miss Dorothy Schroeder was home during the weekend Her parents Mr Mrs Oscar Schroeder took her to Monmouth Sunday afternoon and she went on to Galesburg by bus Mrs Lynch attended a luncheon bridge at the home of Mrs irth in Monmouth on riday Mr and Mrs Donald Roche Mary Anne and Dewain spent Sunday in the Arthur Roche home in Monmouth Mr and Mrs Cecil Covert of La Harpe were Sunday dinner guests in the Joe Van Arsdale home Mr and Mrs Raymond Gal braith were entertained in the home dt Mr and Mrs Carl Rosen Monday evening Mrs Agnes Larkin entertained at dinner jn her home Sunday Mr and Mrs John Larkin and sons Mr and Mrs LeRoy Larkin and children Mr and Mrs John Kane and children James Bern ard Larkin and Tom St Ledger The Roseville Clinic Dally Except riday Office Ph Res Ph 108RS ICENOGLE Office Hours: A Daily Except Monday Office Ph Res Ph 98RS Scanlan Proprietor Licensed Master Plumber Authorized General Electric Sales Service NOTICE EEDERS When you need feeding corn or oats cal Twomey Grain apd eed Smith shire We try to keep some on hand also Wayne Livestock and Poultry eeds and other feed in gredients (A7 5tf) hostesses Mrs and Mrs George delicious refreshments the social period at the close of tihie meeting Mrs Dean Cortelyou made a business trip to Roseville Satur day afternoon Mrs Alma Van Arsdale expects to leave from Galesburg the lastof this week for California where she will visit with her sister Mrs Dan Crist numerous Sunday the home Vooi'hees were Mr and Mrs Ross Lant and Mr and Mrs Kendall Lant and children of Burlington Mrs Lynh and Mrs John Keane made a business trip to Burlington last Tuesday Rev and Mrs Henry Olsen were in Burlington Monday Mr and Aire Pres Walker spent Monday in the home of their daughter and her husband Mr and Mrs Carl Rosen Loren Van Doren accompanied by Charles Mullen of Media made a business trip to Peoria riday afternoon Robert Robinson spent Sunday in the Ivan Mowen home Robert and Leo Mowen and their families were afternoon same 'home Mrs George left riday night Calif where she two aunts while nt Cnmn Mr Otis Haines of Blandins I ville vicinity visited from Thurs day until Monday in the homee of his daughters Mrs Spencer Cor zatt and Mrs Robert Harden Sunday evening supper guests Subscriptions payable In advance One Year $250 Six Months $150 Single Copies 06 TAYLOR BROS INSURANCE AND ARM LOANS Roseville Hl UNITED PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Media III Ralph McAuley Sunday Jan 20 1952: 9:45 A Morning Sermon second in All Sufficient Suf be 8TRONGHUR8T ILLINOIS Organized April 27 1848 Member adaral Deposit Insurance CarparaMo Mesecher have another son Harry who is now on active duty in Korea CRACKERS lavor Kist Just Received A Barrell Of Salt Lake Herring DR NEILSON VETERINARIAN Phone 174 Roseville Mr and Mrs Clarence Goodman of Sciota spent an even ing last week with the sister and husband Mr and Mrs Leonard Livecmore With Mr and Mrs Earl Engle and son Kenneth of Roseville they had arrived at (home ing a The partji went to the coast daughter of the Engles and her husband Cpl and Mrs Wendell Hoover Mrs mother and six sisters live in Santa Ana a hmthr fprwIpr in Tustin and a nephew lives in Los Angeles All helped make the visit of the Illi nois people a pleasant one Cpl and Mrs Hoover returned to Illinois at the same time as their guests as Cpl Hoover has been transferred to Scott ield at Belleville Illinois where he will attend a radio school REORMED CHURCH Rev Harold Kammeraad Pastor Sunday Jan 20 10:30 A Al Sunday Lyle Brokaw Supt 11:00 A Morning Worship service Young CE 7 :30 Evening Worship Service Topic: Epistle to: the i A sincere welcome awaits you at these and other meetings of the church Wednesday Jan 23 7:30 Congregational Meeting Members are requested to attend this annual meeting ST CATHOLIC Rev Schleich Pastor Sunday Jan 20 Mass at preceded by confession NEW HOUSE OR SALE Modern well located in Strong hurst Complete ready to move into by next week Will be shown by appointment Paul Bell Stronghurst Ill MAN WANTED I need a man in this territory to help me car necessary knowledge of live stock helpful Write Edw Anders 486 Seminary St Galesburg Ill Phone 5535 3 (Al 10 17p) Safeguard cash from loss theft or RARITAN BAPTIST CHURCH Rev Henry Olsen Pastor Sunday Jan 20 10:00 A Church School 1 a fysv 0 000 1 X7TY1 YYTI fl VzlCLDDCO AVI CbAB UdiUldlLU eupi 11:00 A Worship Service Sermon theme Rock of Our I 6:00 Meeting' 7:30 Mo Evangel Service' Sermon theme Victorious Tuesday Jan 22nd 7:30 The Christian Edu cation Committee Of the Salem 1 Baptist Association will hold its session in our church Wednesday Jan 23rd 7:30 Mid week Bible: study and prayer service Thursday Jan 24th 6:30 The Amo Class par ty will be held in church It will begin with a pancake and waffle supper You are cordially invited to tend all of our services Borman Memorial Home CORMAN Licensed Di ectoT and Embalmer 21 Emir Ambulance 76 Rnserille A11 types of wiring and wire devices at Roseville (10 20tf Dean Mesecher Honored By amily Raritan Mr and Mrs Arthur Mesecher entertained at a family dinner in their home northwest of Raritan Sunday in honor of their son Dean who went to Chi cago Wednesday for induction in to the Armed services Present at the gathering were the guest of honor and his wife of Olena Mr and Mrs Ross Mesecher and children Mr and Mrs Ray and children and Mr Arthui Olson Haute Gale and Dale at home Mr and Mrs Arthur CARD THANKS Raritan We wish to thank all of you very much who remem bered us witlb cards flowers and other gifts during our stay in the (hospital and since we returned home Mrs Cecil Brown and Carol Ann I Stronghurst (G) The Booster Club held its regular meeting at the Legion Hall here Monday evening Vincent Carlson presi I dent and Dave ussell secretary presided Orville Boyd and Everett i Kenner were in charge of the re I freshments which consisted of delicious sandwiches and coffee The club voted to continue sponsoring the local Boy Scout School Troop and to give any needed co operation in making Boy Scout WapIc a siir rPRR hprp AhrilArv fi IM to 12 me club also votea to span stir an Athletic hannnet aeain Committees were appointed TWOMEY TULLY CORM SHELLING Mr and Mrs Lyle Thrush called in tihe George Chant home at Stronghurst Saturday evening to visit with Mr and Mrs Lee Wilson who left Sunday morning for Detroit Michigan Mr and Mrs Wilson who have lived in Detroit for several years ae moving tliis week to St Louis Mo Mr Wilson who is connected witlh the Johns Manville company has been transferred to Louis territory Doren Bricker took his Mrs Lizzie Bricker Mrs Milliken and Mre Elmer to Madison riday afternoon to go by train to Wichita Kansas Hubert Vernoy and drove to Burlington riday night and met Mr and Mrs Dudley Donaldson and Janet of Gales burg and took tihem to the home of Mr and Mrs' Roy St ronghurst Mr and Lauver and Judy took Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Sam Monmouth called to Cecil Brown and baby at the Doren Bricker day afternoon Mr and Mrs Maurice Lee to the Ludwig near Dallas City a few days Mr and Mrs entertained at dinner Sunday in the Doren Bricker hom6 Kenneth Dixon underwent ma jor surgery at the Burlington hospital Monday morning His wife and parents Mrs Kenneth Dixon and Mr and Mrs Dixon spent the day at the hosipi served tai and have visited him t're during ciuentlv this week Mr and Mrs Robert Lozier and daughter Janet of Monmouth were entertained at Sunday eve ning supper in the Eldon Dunean home Mr and Mrs Hoffeditz spent Sunday in the Alfred Lon drie home at Hamilton Elmer Harden spent Sunday in the home of his son Eldon and family Air and Mrs Duane Thompson and Twila of Rose ville called in the same home in the afternoon Eschol Houtchens local repre i sentative and his assistant Ver non Elston attended a banquet given by the unk Seed Corn Cot 1 at the Marine Room in Mon mouth Monday evening Mr and Mrs James Stull and 1 daughters spent Sunday in the Leo Wallace home Mr and Mrs Wallace and children of 1 Stronghurst called during the i afternoon Mr and Mrs Joe Van Arsdale were in Blandinsville to see Covert ter in Home i some ray pictures taken at the Alary Davier hospital in LaHarpe to ascertain the cause of the se i vere ipain he bad been suffering The physician decided his trouble is rheumatism i Air and Mrs Guy Sowers of Colchester spent Sunday in tlhe Charles Harden home 1 Mr and Mrs Carl Rosen called I at the Cottage hospital in Gales burg Saturday to see Mrs Ida Hunter As her surgeon 'had said I she could be dismissed that day they brought her to the home of i her brother Ivan Mowen' where she is recuperating 1 Mr and Mrs Howard Duncan Mrs Vincent Arnold son Lewis and daughter Loma went to Galesburrg Monday where Mr i Duncan entered the Cottage hos pital for treatment and surgery Mr and Mrs William Brokaw epent Sunday with the former's aunt Mrs Ella Russler of Moline Mr and Mrs Elbert Bricker and son Alan of Oquawka vicinity (Visited Monday in the Doren Bricker home Mrs Laurence Lynch made a business trip to Stronghurst Mon day afternoon Mr and Mrs Joe Van Arsdale made a business trip to Macomb last Wednesday and to Biggsville on Thursday Mr and Mrs children were the Matt Tully on Monday evening Clarence Isaacson brought his wife and his brother Herbert Isaacson home from Iowa City Sunday Mrs Isaacson underwent an operation while at the Univer sity Hospital in which a hole was made in the roof of her mouth to drain a badly infected sinus Her bert Isaacson also underwent surgery at the University Hospi tal last week Mr Albert Isaacson who en tered the Mercy Hospital at Bur lington last Wednesday under went major surgery Saturday Mrs Rebecca Lauver Mrs Ola Voorhees and Mrs Icel Thrush worshin series on John Eastwood of Monmouth will the guest speaker Special music will be provided by the high school chorus A social hour with refreshments will follow the ser vices Our friends and neighbors are cordially invited to attend this service 3 Act Comedy All Local Talent JANUARY 24th aid 25ft Roseville High School Roseville Ill Curtain Time: 8 Nightly ADMISSION (Tax Included): Adults $100 Students 50c Children 35c Held Under Auspices Of Lawson Babbitt Post No 614 American Legion Roseville III Ji Riot Of un Songs and Dances Baptist Missionary Society Meets In Church January 10 Raritan Nineteen members ami the Rev Mr Olsen attended the meeting of the Baptist Alis sionary society held in the church last Thursday afternoon With Mrs Eschol Houtchens as leader the meeting was opened with the singing of Shelter in the Time of followed by the reading of 91:1 10 The topic the Spirit of the Lord is There are Churches in our was pre sented by Mrs Houtchens as sisted by Airs red Lyon and Mrs Henry Olsen Mrs Houtch ens read three short articles Year's ows of the and Used Church Bell for Mrs Lyon read a selection entitled and Mighty and Aire Howard Duncan read a ser mon written by a Baptist minis ter at Mendota Articles on churches and (membership and in formation regarding Mather School at Buford South Carolina were read by Mrs Harry A circle of prayers was by dismissal by Rev Olsen Au offering of $1316 ceived The Virgil Arnold OLD BEDORD Church Notes A New party was held in the church basem*nt Sun day evening following the meeting Home made ice cream and cake were served Officers for the coming year are Mrs Carl Bray Supt Mrs Paul Alelvin Asst Suipt Airs Vernon Thorell Pianist Mrs Albert Myers Asst Pianist Dean Melvin Secretary and Treasurer Vera Luton Asst Sec and Treas Mrs Sterling Adams Jr Junior Dept Supt James Blender Pianist and Rita Luton Song Leader Personals Mr and Mrs Ivan Armstrong and Carlyn spent Monday in Ma comb Mrs Carl Bray accompanied Mr and Airs Keith Marlow of Ma comb to Galesburg Thursday eve ning Several from here attended fu neral services for Lee Van Winkle at Carthage riday after noon A surprise birthday party was held in honor of loyd Luton at the home of his parents riday evening Carl Bray and daughter Beverly and Carol were in Macomb day morning Several from here were Harpe Saturday evening Mrs Emma Olsou came home of Mr and Mrs Bruce Grate from a Galesburg hospital day Ivan Armstrong made a ness 'trip to Savannah Dnrrinfifk 1 orrine 1 WV11n.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.