Paladin Dungeon Run Class Guide (2024)

Last updated on Jan 04, 2018 at 14:12by Kat9 comments

This guide is designed to aid you in your Kobolds and Catacombs DungeonRuns. It goes into great detail about Treasure rewards and Card Buckets tohelp you make the most optimal choices when forging your Dungeon Run deck.



As a Paladin you will begin your Dungeon Run with a deck that consists ofthe following 10 cards:

Paladin CardsNeutral Cards
  • Blessing of Might
  • Noble Sacrifice
  • Argent Protector
  • Equality
  • Holy Light
  • Consecration
  • Truesilver Champion
  • Goldshire Footman
  • Earthen Ring Farseer
  • Stormwind Knight



After defeating the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th boss of the dungeon run, you willeither get to choose 1 of 3 random powerful Treasure cards that you can addto your deck, or 1 of 3 powerful passive effects that will benefit you forthe duration of the Dungeon Run.

The tables below contain a list of all the possible Treasures and Passiveeffects available and give them ageneral rating as to how good they are for the Paladin class. Thecomments give further details as to how and why the Treasures are good inaddition to some of the Card Buckets that they have good synergies with.


Treasure Cards

Bag of StuffingExcellentHaving a full hand of cards provides you with a lot more options andhelps you draw into other powerful Treasures. It is works well withKhadgar's Scrying Orb and Boots of Haste and has excellent synergywith low-Cost cards such a those found in the Murloc card bucket.
Boots of HasteExcellentBoots of Haste is excellent for any deck and allows you to flood theboard for quick wins. It is even more powerful in slower and is excellent incombination with minions from the Legendary and Dragonmaster buckets.
Portable ForgeExcellentAccessing a Legendary weapon for just 1 Mana is incredibly powerful andhas options to suit all decks. The card draw of Aluneth is greatfor aggressive decks, Woecleaver is great for slower decks withTaunt or Stomp buckets, and The Runespear is a greatbackup option for any Paladin deck.
Wondrous WandExcellentWondrous Wand is an excellent Tempo tool that gains the most with cardbuckets containing expensive cards such as Stomp and Taunt.
Bag of CoinsGoodBag of Coins is a good tempo tool to rush out big minions from theLegendary or Dragon buckets.
Horn of CenariusGoodHorn of Cenarius provides a huge burst of tempo in any deck. This isespecially powerful with the Legendary and Dragonmaster buckets.
Loyal SidekickGoodLoyal Sidekick is a powerful tempo tool that gains strength as youprogress in your Dungeon Run, if played early it can win games very quicklyby itself.
Primordial WandGoodPrimordial Wand is an incredibly powerful tool for the final bosses,allowing you turn any minion into a huge source of damage through Windfuryand Attack Adaptations.
Shifting HourglassGoodShifting Hourglass is a powerful Treasure against later bosses thatallows you to take consecutive turns to allow your minions to attack for hugeamounts of damage.
Wand of DisintegrationGoodWand of Disintegration provides a cheap and powerful board clear that canhelp preserve your board when ahead, or allow you to get back into the gameif you fall behind.
Archmage StaffAverageArchmage Staff is a consistent source of Mage spells that can be usedthroughout the game.
Amulet of DominationAverageAmulet of Domination functions as a 2-Cost Mind Control, which isunderwhelming compared to other Treasures. Although it also adds a minion toyour dungeon deck, it is a negligible effect as any minion copied islikely to be of similar strength to the cards in your deck.
Blade of Quel'DelarAverageBlade of Quel'Delar is a great removal tool for early-game tempo, howeverit is a low priority due to the wide range of Paladin weapons alreadyavailable.
Dr. Boom's BoomboxAverageDr Boom's Boombox is great for contesting the board and works well withCaptured Flag. However, it is fairly weak compared to otherTreasures.
Embers of RagnarosAverageEmbers of Ragnaros is a reasonable removal tool and source of burndamage, but it is greatly hindered by the randomness of the targets.
Golden KoboldAverageGolden Kobold is weaker than it appears. As there are many poor Legendaryminions available, replacing your hand with Legendary minions will not bevery beneficial most of the time. As a result, Golden Kobold should mainly beconsidered purely based on the fact is a 6/6 minion for 3 Mana.
Gloves of MuggingAverageGloves of Mugging is a good tool for slowing down bosses, but as mostbosses use fairly weak cards the cards stolen provide minimal value.
Greedy PickaxeAverageGreedy Pickaxe is an excellent source of Mana Crystals an reasonableremoval tool if drawn early, however it is a very underwhelming card whendrawn in the late-game.
Magic MirrorAverageMagic Mirror is very similar in value Amulet of Domination.Although it loses the Mind Control effect, the fact it can targetfriendly minions allows you to fill your deck with additional copies of yourmost powerful minions.
Orb of DestructionAverageOrb of Destruction is a good tool for slowing down opponents, but offerslittle value against final bosses which start with 2 additional Mana.
Party PortalAverageIn general Paladin does not use many spells, resulting in minimalbenefit from Party Portal. However, it can be a good choice if you choose toinvest heavily in the Secrets or Many Blessing card buckets.
Portable Ice WallAveragePortable Ice Wall is a good defensive minion, but is incrediblyvulnerable to hard removal.
THE CANDLEAverageTHE CANDLE is an efficient removal that can get multiple uses per game.
Vorpal DaggerAverageVorpal Dagger is a good removal tool for any type of deck that can beused protect your board.
Wax RagerAverageWax Rager is a resilient minion that offers a consistent 5 damage perturn. It is can be incredibly powerful if you have also picked upTotem of the Dead.
WishAverageWish is an excellent card at saving games that are otherwise lost,however most fights will be over before you reach 10 Mana to play it.
Aleatoric CubeBadAlthough the permanent discount on cards is nice, shuffling both deckstogether dilutes the synergies within your deck in addition to potentiallygiving your other Treasure cards to your opponent.
Hilt of Quel'DelarBadHilt of Quel'Delar provides a small boost in tempo but is quite weak asfar as Treasures go. It is only worth considering if you also haveBlade of Quel'Delar and wish to assemble Quel'Delar.
Mask of MimicryBadMask of Mimicry is a poor card overall. It will provide no real advantagemost of the time and will lower the flexibility of your hand by making all ofyour minions the same. The only time it is truly useful is when it can becombined with powerful Treasure minions such as Loyal Sidekick, howeverthis circ*mstances are incredibly rare and do not justify ever picking Mask ofMimicry.
Rod of RoastingBadRod of Roasting is a fun Treasure that comes down to luck. It is onlyworth considering as a fun combination with Potion of Vitality.
Scroll of ConfusionBadScroll of Confusion will even out the board on average, but therandomness of the effect makes it incredibly volatile compared to boardclears like THE CANDLE.


Passive Treasures

Captured FlagExcellentCaptured Flag provides a good boost in tempo and is excellent with cardbuckets containing many cheap minions such as Silver Hand and Murlocs.
Crystal GemExcellentCrystal Gem provides a strong boost in early-game tempo, allowing you toexplode onto the board faster, which is great for any deck.
Cloak of InvisibilityGoodCloak of Invisibility removes the ability for bosses to remove yourminions outside of AoE effects. However, this can take away some of the valueof Paladin's very powerful Taunt minions.
Grommash's ArmguardsGoodGrommash's Armguards is a reasonable choice if multiple powerful weaponshave been picked up from the Sacred Arms card bucket.
Justicar's RingGoodJusticar's Ring is an excellent choice if you invest into Silver Handcard buckets as it allows your Hero Power to function as a copy ofLost in the Jungle each turn. It is also great if you also have theCaptured Flag Treasure that will buff any Silver Hand Recruitssummoned.
Small BackpacksGoodSmall Backpacks is a good choice to provide additional fuel foraggressive decks, but it pales in comparison to Bag of Stuffing.
Battle TotemAverageIn general, Paladin does not have access to many Battlecry minions tobenefit from Battle Totem. However, it is an excellent choice if you pick upmultiple Dragonmaster card buckets.
Khadgar's Scrying OrbAverageKhadgar's Scrying Orb can gain reasonable value from the Secrets andMany Blessing card buckets.
Mysterious TomeAverageMysterious Tome offers a good boost to early-game tempo, but it islargely unpredictable due to offering Secrets from all classes.
Totem of the DeadAverageTotem of the Dead does not offer much value for Paladin as mostDeathrattle minions, such as Tirion Fordring, do not benefit fromhaving their Deathrattles trigger multiple times.
Glyph of WardingBadAs bosses get most of their value from their Hero Powers, increasing thecost of their minions has minimal effect.
Potion of VitalityBadPotion of Vitality offers no real value as should aim to be in control ofall encounters and therefore take minimal damage to your Hero. It is onlyworth considering as a fun combination with Rod of Roasting.
Robe of the MagiBadPaladin lacks spells that can benefit from the spell damage. The onlycommonly used Paladin card it affects is Consecration, which does notjustify picking the Treasure.
Scepter of SummoningBadScepter of Summoning is fairly poor due to Paladin minions being generallycheap. However it is a good choice if you have picked up many large minionsfrom the Dragonmaster or Legdengary card buckets.


Card Buckets

After you defeat each boss, you will be offered a choice of 3 different cardbuckets that you can add to your deck. Each bucket contains 3 cards that fit acertain theme and will help shape your deck in different ways.

The table below contains a list of all the possible Paladin card bucketsand gives a general rating as to how good each card bucket is on average.The comments section contains further details of each bucket and when to choosethem.

JusticeExcellentJustice contains Paladin utility cards that can be used to manipulatethe board. It includes powerful cards like Equality,Consecration, Keeper of Uldaman, and Sunkeeper Tarimthat are great additions to any deck.
Silver HandExcellentSilver Hand uses powerful Silver Hand Recruit synergies andincludes powerful cards such as Muster for Battle, Quartermaster,and Crystal Lion. It also has excellent synergy with many Treasureslike Captured Flag and Justicar's Ring.
Divine ShieldGoodDivine Shield contains many independently powerful minions that canbe included in any deck such as Righteous Protector,Shielded Minibot, and Tirion Fordring.
MurlocsGoodThe Murlocs bucket contains all Murloc cards available to Paladin. Toget maximum value from this bucket it should be chosen many times throughouta Dungeon Run, prioritising some of the more powerful cards likeVilefin Inquisitor, Murloc Warleader, andFinja, the Flying Star.
Sacred ArmsGoodSacred Arms contains all Paladin weapons. It is good to try and pick up1 or 2 Sacred Arms buckets in any Dungeon Run, looking specifically forVal'anyr, Muster for Battle, Coghammer,and Truesilver Champion.
TauntGoodThe Taunt bucket contains good minions for Paladin. The most powerfulPaladin Legendary minions all have Taunt so you should try and prioritisegetting Wickerflame Burnbristle, Sunkeeper Tarim, andTirion Fordring from this bucket.
DragonmasterAverageThe Dragonmaster card bucket provides very little for most Paladin decks,however offers great synergies within itself if you are able to pick itmany times throughout a Dungeon Run. It can be worth prioritising if youhappen to pick up the Battle Totem Treasure early on.
HealingAverageThe Healing bucket is generally quite weak, but has the potential toprovide a few powerful cards such as Wickerflame Burnbristle,Ragnaros, Lightlord, Ivory Knight, andUther of the Ebon Blade.
LegendaryAverageThe Legendary bucket can potentially offer any Legendary minions and hasvery high variance as a result. As most Legendary minions have a high ManaCost, it can be an excellent choice if you have picked up theScepter of Summoning Treasure.
Many BlessingAverageThe Many Blessing bucket includes many poor choices such asThe Last Kaleidosaur and many weak buffs. However, it does also offerBlessing of Kings and Spikeridged Steed, which are great buffsthat can work well with minions from the Divine Shield, Murlocs, and SilverHand buckets.
Helping HandBadHelping Hand contains Paladin Handbuff cards such asGrimestreet Outfitter, Smuggler's Run, andGrimestreet Enforcer. These effects are often very underwhelming and verydifficult to build any kind of strategy around.
SecretsBadThe Secrets bucket contains all Paladin Secrets andMysterious Challenger. This bucket is almost never worth choosing asfilling your deck with cheap Paladin Secrets will greatly hinder your draws,any greatly outweighs the potential value that Mysterious Challenger canextract from them.



  • 04 Jan. 2018: Treasure cards and Passive Treasures have been separated for clarity and readability.
  • 01 Jan. 2018: Golden Kobold, Mask of Mimicry, and Magic Mirror Treasures added.
  • 18 Dec. 2017: Guide added.

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Paladin Dungeon Run Class Guide (2024)
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